Customized Teacher Learning
During my Professional Learning Workshops, I use a variety of visual supports to help leaders and teachers learn best practices in planning and instruction for language learners. My professional learning days follow the workshop model where I model instructional strategies, guide teachers in practicing, and then release teachers to apply the new skill set independently while I coach teachers one-on-one or in small groups.
Interactive Read Aloud
Understand the flow of a read aloud
Choose a focus
Formulate questions and answer stems
Identify productive language
Shared Reading
Identify the class mean reading level
Select resources
Determine which strategies to teach
Plan for modeling and guided practice
Word Work
Understand the components of Word Work
Assess word work
Embed instruction in the context
Teach explicitly
Thematic Guided Reading
Adapt Running Records
Analyze texts
Plan thematic guided reading
Project-Based Learning and Writing
Create a purpose for a project
Produce a mentor piece
Determine which strategies to teach
Plan language goals
Team Teaching in Dual Language Immersion
Follow a 10-step collaboration plan
Intentional Planning for Content and Language
Solidify understanding of standards
Understand the difference between a standard, a skill and a strategy
Formulate content objectives and language objectives
A Scaffolded Lesson Delivery
Deconstruct the architecture of the workshop model
Know what modeling sounds like and looks like
Explore multiple ways to support students during guided practice
Focus on Productive Language
Pair students effectively
Prepare for turn and talks
Increase social language
Create visual supports
Math in the Second Language
Follow the workshop approach
Create math dialogue charts
Teach problem-solving strategically